Join the FREE Workshop: Five Keys To Find Your True Purpose & Get Paid To Be Wildly Creative

Perhaps you…

☆ Feel a growing boredom with your work and a loss of motivation, and crave inspiration

☆ Have a deeper knowing that there’s something more you’re meant to do, but you’re not clear what it is

☆ Suspect you’re an artist, even if you’re not exactly sure how

☆ Long to be paid to be creative and break free of the box you’re in

☆ Need help to find your calling and identify your next step

If so, then this workshop is for YOU!

Nothing is more painful than knowing you have a greater purpose here on earth but not knowing what it is.

That’s why I’ve devoted my life to helping people excavate their truth, discover their passion, identify their big mission, and put it all into action… in a way that feels artful, aligned and fun. 

I’ve found a formula that works when your purpose just needs a little upgrade, or even when you’re super stuck, confused and frustrated that you haven’t found it yet. 

I’m excited to share it with you and watch you fly!

That’s why I invite you to join me for Five Keys To Find Your True Purpose & Get Paid To Be Wildly Creative, a FREE workshop.

You will get:

– 5 keys to create a life that’s deeply fulfilling, one where you wake up every day feeling excitement for what’s ahead

5 keys to identify your talents and reclaim your identity as an ARTIST

– 5 keys to discover what stops you from living your next-level purpose, and break through.

– 5 keys to get clear on what you most want to create… and get started.

I’ll show you how myself and my clients have used these 5 keys to unleash our creativity, fall back in love with our work, and enjoy $5k, $10k and even $20k+ months while doing it.

It’s almost Fall… a time when it can feel very aligned to launch new things. Let’s harness the power of this special time of year and unearth some MAGIC.

We gather on August 19. To save your spot, enter your first name and email address below, and let’s fly!

About Your Guide, Tara Divina

Tara Divina draws on her experience as a Vice President at the Warner Music Group, professional musician, clothing designer, and successful entrepreneur, to offer business & creative coaching for writers, musicians and artists. 

She empowers them to prioritize their creative projects, build an organic fan base using authentic self expression, and generate a sustainable income using all of their gifts.

She is also tapped into karmic patterns, purpose and destiny through the lens of Vedic Astrology, and combines her gift of seeing the unseen with practical know how to help creatives get clear on their purpose and core message.